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Electronic Microscopy Laboratory

The CDTN Electron Microscopy Laboratory consists of a scanning electronic microscope with field effect emission (FEG-MEV) model SIGMA VP, manufactured by Carl Zeiss Microscopy company. The equipment operates at high vacuum and variable pressure (VP) modes. In the VP mode, it is possible to obtain images from electricity non-conducting material without the need to apply conductive coatings. A microscope differential is the GEMINI® column, whose design allows obtaining excellent quality images even when operating at low voltages.


Scanning Electronic Microscope - CDTN

In the apparatus, it is possible to analyze metallic samples, minerals, magnetic materials, polymers, carbon nanotubes, biocompatible materials and ceramics with structures at the nanoscale.

Contact: Tércio Assunção Pedrosa - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Tel.: +55 31 30693068

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