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Página inicial > Principais Laboratórios > Nanotecnologia e Materiais Nucleares > Laboratório de Química de Nanoestruturas de Carbono
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Carbon Nanostructures Chemistry Laboratory

The Carbon Nanostructures Chemistry Laboratory operates and supports developments involving the production of graphene by chemical graphite exfoliation and after synthesis, the manipulation of carbon nanotubes, including the steps of purification, dispersion, functionalizing and incorporation into ceramic and polymeric matrices. The LQN has an extensive laboratorial infrastructure for the chemical manipulation of carbon nanostructures.


Adelina Pinheiro Santos - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Tel.: +55 31 30693380 - +55 31 30693394

Clascídia Aparecida Furtado - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Tel.: +55 31 30693162

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