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Página inicial > Principais Laboratórios > Tecnologia Mineral > Laboratórios de Processos Hidrometalúrgicos
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Hydrometallurgical Processes Laboratories

These laboratories aim to develop and optimize hydrometallurgical processes in bench scale, envisaging the processes improvement and the obtainment of high purity products in response to the market specifications and develop, adapt techniques, methodologies and processes for removing contaminants contained in residues and industrial effluents.

There are two laboratories of hydrometallurgical processes in the Mineral Technology Service, one more lined up with the environmental processes and another focusing on the development of industrial hydrometallurgical processes, however, both aimed to industrial application. These laboratories are used to perform discontinuous runs for leaching, solvent extraction, adsorption, sequential leaching, cementation and chemical precipitation, etc.


Carlos Antônio de Morais – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Tel.: +55 31 30693277

Ana Claudia Queiroz LadeiraThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – Tel.: +55 31 30693414


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